Supporting Parent Carers to find solutions for school attendance difficulties
Define Fine is a national parent carer led peer support organisation. Our team all have lived experience of children and young people with school attendance difficulties, sometimes referred to as EBSA: Emotionally Based School Avoidance - linked to unmet Special Educational Needs & Disabilities including physical or mental health, either suspected or diagnosed, bullying, issues relating to academic pressure, or even the school environment.
Our tried and tested support model is based on current relevant government guidance and research enable parent carers and professionals to work together from the earliest signs that a child or young person is experiencing barriers to education.
Our Barriers to Education guide is based on statutory and other government guidance to enable parent carers and professionals to work together to find solutions around attendance difficulties. We also share links to useful information and research from trusted sources.
We provide peer support for parent carers through our closed Facebook Group, webinars , Q&A sessions and some direct 1:1 support and advocacy. We aim to empower our members with an understanding of the relevant government guidance so they can advocate for their own children and young people.
We provide training and consultancy to Professionals, Parent Carer Forums, SENDiass, Mental health and SEND support groups, local authorities, ICB's and other organisations. We have two CPD accredited webinars with Q&A sessions which can be tailored to requirements.
We support Parent Carers and offer training, consultancy and case management to Professionals and Support Organisations